OrbitoAsia Diagnostics

Immuno Histo Chemistry-HBC


Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a specialized technique used in histopathology to detect specific antigens in tissue samples. In an IHC-HBC test, antibodies are applied to tissue sections to identify the presence and distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) antigens or associated proteins. This process involves incubating the tissue with primary antibodies that bind to HBV antigens, followed by secondary antibodies conjugated with detectable markers. The resulting reaction is visualized under a microscope, revealing the presence of HBV-related proteins and aiding in diagnosing infections or evaluating disease progression. This test is crucial for understanding viral pathology and guiding treatment strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions

IHC is a laboratory technique used to detect specific proteins or antigens in tissue samples using antibodies. It helps in diagnosing and understanding various diseases by visualizing the distribution and localization of these proteins.

The IHC-HBc test specifically detects the presence of Hepatitis B Core (HBc) antigens in tissue samples, which can indicate Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection or evaluate the extent of infection-related liver damage.

Tissue samples are treated with primary antibodies targeting HBc antigens, followed by secondary antibodies conjugated with a detectable marker. The reaction is visualized under a microscope, revealing the presence of HBc antigens.

Typically, liver biopsy samples or liver tissue sections are used for IHC-HBc testing to assess HBV infection in the liver.

IHC provides specific localization of HBc antigens within tissue sections, allowing detailed visualization of viral presence and distribution, which aids in accurate diagnosis and monitoring.

Why OrbitoAsia Diagnostics?

Orbito Asia Labs and Scans is a comprehensive healthcare imaging and diagnostic facility under one roof. It prides itself on providing the most advanced infrastructure, the best possible medical facilities, the most competitive prices, and thorough individualised attention so that the customer can have diagnostic tests performed in the most efficient and cost-effective manner at a single location by our experienced and certified physicians and friendly staff.

We are committed to providing our clients with ultimate diagnostic services with accurate results, high-quality imaging, and comprehensive health check-up services with comprehensive care, courtesy, and compassion for our clients. Orbito Asia provides diagnostic solutions that improve patient health and ensure consumer safety.

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